Stu Bledsoe Memorial Award
This is a leadership award presented to an individual who the current graduating class believes has made a significant difference in the natural resource industries in the State of Washington.
Click below for the full list of Stu Bledsoe Memorial Award recipients.

Next Generation Leadership Award
The Jack Felgenhauer Next Generation Leadership Award was established in recognition of Jack Felgenhauer’s life. His substantial investments of time and money help assure that the natural resources industries will always have informed and empowered individuals to step forward and lead.
Jack exemplified leadership in agriculture at the local, state, national, and international levels. He was committed to public service and community involvement. Jack’s forward-looking guidance of the wheat industry, his untiring efforts to build mutual understanding between rural and urban people, and passion for telling the story of agriculture to the general public were hallmarks of his life and career. His commitment to mentorship and financial support of the AgForestry Foundation helped to guarantee continuing generations of effective leaders.
The Jack Felgenhauer Next Generation Leadership Award is presented at graduation to the AgForestry Leadership Class member who is voted by his/her classmates as most likely to use their AgForestry training to make significant differences in their industry and community, and foster the next generation of leaders for the natural resources industries and the world.
Click below for the full list of Jack Felgenhauer Leadership Award recipients.

Leading Edge Leadership Award
The Karl and Lexie Kupers Leading Edge Leadership Award is established to recognize Karl (AgForestry Class 3) and Lexie Kupers’ willingness to try new ideas, be innovative and take risks.
The Kupers have provided creative, entrepreneurial ideas in leadership activities. In addition to exhibiting real dedication to and enthusiasm for the natural resource industries.
In the rapidly changing agriculture business in Eastern Washington, changing government policies, environmental needs, and economics require new ways of doing things. Karl and Lexie Kupers are leading the way in searching for new crops, farming practices, and marketing techniques. They are leading edge leaders.
The Leading Edge Leadership Award is presented at graduation to the AgForestry Leadership Class member who is voted by his/her classmates as showing enthusiasm, innovative thinking, entrepreneurial spirit, and willingness to take calculated risks and try new ideas.
Click below for the full list of Kupers Leadership Award recipients.

Inspirational Award
This award is given in honor of the late Carol Mercer (AgForestry Class 14). The award honors her dedication and enthusiasm for the natural resource industries, her love for and involvement in the leadership program, and her model of leadership exhibited in all that she did.
The Inspirational Award is presented at graduation to the AgForestry Leadership Class member who is voted by his/her classmates as showing enthusiasm, empowerment, encouragement and inspiration — all traits that Carol Mercer exhibited and that her fellow participants admired.
Click below for the full list of Carol Mercer Inspirational Award recipients.