When asked on his application what is the most important problem natural resources or our nation is facing, Stephen shared: “Apathy! I feel that apathy is the greatest detriment in all segments of our society.”
Dennis shared in his AgForestry Class 4 application: “I feel that a leader today must be dedicated to his cause…Along with this is a necessity to be able to work with people, for in the long run, it is the general population that must help to achieve a major goal.”
October 16, 1956 – April 9, 2023
In Albert’s Class 20 application, a reference shared, “He has desire to get to the truth on subjects and stand up for what he believes is the truth.”
Rick Maib, Class 15
May 18, 1952 – February 25, 2023
In Rick’s 1992 AgForestry application he said, “A leader should supply vision and set goals rather than bureaucracy and management. … Management is doing the things right while leadership is doing the right things.”

Lynda Pheasant, Class 16
April 29, 1940 – February 9, 2023
quote from Lynda’s 1993 AgForestry application regarding what qualities are
needed in leadership: “Leadership is dependent on the acquisition of
knowledge and skills to utilize information to greatest advantage. The ability
to select appropriate goals, to focus on essential actions, and to articulate a
position are additional requirements. A sense of timing is critical. And, most
importantly, leaders must value their followers.”
Ed Zurcher, Class 14
October 11, 1964 – January 11, 2023
Shared about Ed in a 1991 reference, “He is an honest, ‘straight-shooting’ individual, who’s not afraid to ask the hard questions.”
Paula Eakin, Class 36
September 9, 1970 – December 20, 2022
“Paula is dedicated to achieving the best possible outcome from every endeavor in which she is involved. She is a stickler for ethics,…, and strives for elevating quality in all she does.” – from a reference on Paula’s application
Linda Weyns, Class 2
March 14, 1948 – October 6, 2022
In a 1979 reference letter about Linda, it was said: “Linda believes “being involved” is the best way to learn about things…She also has a knack for getting others to take an interest in a cause and get them involved.”
Alex McLean, Class 1
November 13, 1935 – September 17, 2022
In a 1992 letter Alex shared a quote that Stu Bledsoe said to AgForestry Class 1, “If you can imagine it, you can become it. If you can dream it, you can achieve it.”
Bob Falkner, Class 9
December 16, 1955 – September 12, 2022
In Bob’s 1986 application, he wrote “So much learning takes place through our interaction with other people who are in situations other than our own. This interaction can challenge us to achieve, to dare to take a stand when it’s not popular and to make a difference in the lives of those around us.”
Dennis Tompkins, Class 3
January 19, 1941 – August 18, 2022
Shared about Dennis in his 1980 AgForestry applications; “The way I see it, Dennis Tompkins has the ability, know how, and inborn leadership already in motion that being a member of Class III would be icing on the cake. Dennis would be a thought provoking, creative, positive class member.”
Roger Kurt Calhoun
February 29, 1944 – July 31, 2021
While Roger wasn’t an AgForestry Alum, he was a long-time supporter, as well as a coach and mentor to many.
He often said, “If I understand the rules to the game, then I can win.”
Tedd Nealey, Class 1
January 29, 1947 – July 2, 2021
Upon filling out his application for AgForestry Class 1, Tedd shared: “Like all industries, agriculture requires leadership, organization, and promotion. Agriculture is the industry that I have always been involved with. I would like nothing better than to be one of the voices to promote and guide it.”
Mark Doumit
November 26, 1961 – June 21, 2021
“Mark Doumit was not an AgForestry graduate, but his career defined what AgForestry leaders are called to be. Mark was a gifted collaborator. As he worked across the aisle, he listened to all sides of the story, he understood what people needed to support an issue, and then he delivered.” – Doug Hooks (Class 36)
Robert John Thode, Class 14
June 18, 1950 – May 23, 2021
When asked why Bob wanted to participate in the AgForestry program in 1991, he shared: “Because I want to make a difference! We are seeing tremendous change in how agriculture and forestry industries are operated, perceived and regulated. As these changes occur it is critical that we have individuals in place who can and will make an impact on how these industries evolve.”

Barbara Henderson Holloway
Barbara served for eight years as the Administrative Director for AgForestry. As was noted by her foundation colleagues when she retired, “Barbara lets you know where she stands, but she always cares. Everyone appreciated her attention to detail, her work ethic, and her forthrightness.”
Earl Marcellus, Class 15
David Casper, Class 8
On his Class 8 application, David wrote, “A leader today must have both strong commitment in what he or she believes, but also must be able to accept opinions of others and work toward mutually acceptable solutions. Integrity and trust must be the underlying strengths of successful leadership today.”
Jeanne Ann Pickel - Class 18
June 27, 1953 – January 19, 2021
On her AgForestry application (April 1995), Jeanne wrote: “Our community, as is the nation, is beginning to be divided into ethnic groups, economic groups, regional groups, etc. We are pointing out how different everyone is instead of emphasizing what everyone has in common. This nation, community by community, has to be willing to bridge the gaps of difference and pull together for the betterment of our country.”

Tony Melone, Class 24
July 24, 1950 – November 2020
When Tony was asked how he would apply leadership skills gained in AgForestry, he replied: “Management and growth of natural resource industries has moved beyond technical considerations alone and now include considerations of political agendas, environmental concerns, and emerging world economy issues, I will use the knowledge gained in the leadership program to integrate my consulting efforts on technical issues with other complementary non-technical considerations.”

Robert Ross Lynch - Class 13
Tommy Dean Grebb, Class 10
August 26, 1951 – September 1, 2020
In Tommy’s 1986 AgForestry application, he shared: “Having been involved in local leadership and in agriculture, [AgForestry] is being sought for many reasons. The main reason being to continue seeking a greater knowledge of the world and it’s reflection upon our state.”
Linda North - Class 12
1948 – 2020
Dan Hille - Class 9
January 3, 1950 – December 14, 2020
Richard Smith
January 4, 1932 – May 26, 2020
Dennis Fiess - Class 9
Richard Thomason - Class 7
March 2, 1948 – November 18, 2019
Alan Shank - Class 26
Lloyd and Maxine Morgan, of LMT Farms Inc, began supporting AgForestry in 1979. From 1984 to 1990, Maxine served on the Washington AgForestry Foundation board of directors. Early in the formation of the organization, Maxine helped fundraising efforts, recruited members and promoted the program through her local organizations and networks. Maxine believed people could accomplish anything they wanted if they had enough information to achieve their goal.
To that end, she was a lifelong learner and encouraged others in their endeavors.
Marie "Mieke" Doelman - Class 14
Steve Weber - Class 12
John Penney, Class 4
February 26, 1942 – April 7, 2018
From John’s Class 4 application; “Today’s leaders must be of high integrity and have the communication skills to strike a compromise when necessary. In this every-changing and complex world, they must also be aware of the impact their actions may have on areas outside their own.”