These organizations have set up scholarships for AgForestry participants:

Harold S Cox Leadership Legacy Scholarship
Harold S Cox Leadership Legacy Scholarship honors the legacy of Harold Sanders Cox, who donated $100,000 to the Agriculture and Forestry Education Foundation. Harold often spoke on the importance of education: he valued education for his family and for those seeking leadership roles in agriculture. Harold’s fascination with diverse cultures, farming methods, and politics led him to visit more than 20 countries. These values and passions led Harold to serve as a member of AgForestry’s original Board of Directors (1978-1984), providing ongoing support for the organization.

Albert Roberts Leadership Fund
The family and friends of Albert Roberts selected the Agriculture and Forestry Education Foundation (AgForestry Leadership) as home for a legacy fund honoring Albert’s memory.
The purpose of the fund will be to offset tuition costs of the AgForestry Leadership Program for a small farmer, rancher or forester across Washington State. Albert, a graduate of Class 20’s Leadership Program, believed strongly in the sustainability of small producers throughout the state.
A reference for Albert in his application for AgForestry said, “He has desire to get to the truth on subjects and stand up for what he believes is the truth.”
Details on applying for the Albert Roberts Leadership Fund will be published shortly.
The Steven D. Stinson (Class 27) Leadership in Natural Resources Scholarship is for students from the Pacific Northwest studying in a natural resource field or natural resource leadership field. Preference given to Washington Farm Forestry Association members and their families and to those studying in forestry-related disciplines. The award can be used to support students at 2-year, 4-year or graduate level post-secondary education levels or Ag-Forestry Leadership Program trainees. Deadline information will be posted as soon as it is available.
The Washington Wheat Foundation Scholarship is open to wheat producers in Washington State who are accepted into the AgForestry program. The Washington Wheat Foundation awards up to $5000 per participant, depending on number of wheat producers in the class. For more info please contact the Washington Wheat Foundation.
The Washington State Potato Commission Scholarship award is $3000/year for 2 years for one AgForestry participant who works in the potato industry in Washington state.
For more information about this scholarship contact Brandy Tucker at or 509-765-8845.
Franklin County Cattlemen's Association
Franklin County Cattlemen’s Association Scholarship is open to cattlemen and cattlewomen from the beef or dairy industries in Washington State. One $6000 scholarship ($3000 per year) will be awarded every other year basis for the AgForestry Leadership Program.
Applications close April 30, 2023.